The retirement department coordinates all of our employees’ retirement concerns with the following state retirement systems: Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana, Louisiana School Employees’ Retirement System, and Louisiana State Employees’ Retirement System.
Below are the websites of each retirement system, which contain vital information concerning all aspects of the retirement process. These websites address important questions, e.g. What are my benefits? When can I retire? How do I retire? How do I get a refund?
Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana,, 877-275-8775
Louisiana School Employees’ Retirement System,, 800-256-3718
Louisiana State Employees’ Retirement System,, 800-256-3000
*For a retirement appointment, please call 504.349.7878. Typically, appointments are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
How do you begin the retirement process?
Are you wondering what steps you should take to begin the LSERS or TRSL retirement process? If so, please review the attached JP Schools Retirement Application Process document. The document also includes information on how your retirement will impact your insurance.
TRSL recommends you begin planning for your retirement at least two years before your retirement date. The attached TRSL Planning for Your Retirement booklet and attached TRSL Retirement Timeline have helpful information to guide you through the process.
Also, Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL) provides 30-minute, individual phone counseling sessions to guide you through the DROP or retirement process. The sessions are offered to members within two years of retirement or entering DROP. To schedule a TRSL counseling session, call 1-877-275-8775, ext. 2822. Once scheduled, TRSL will send you an estimate of your retirement benefits. Then, at your scheduled date and time, they will give you a call to answer your questions. Appointments are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Voluntary JP Schools Retirement Plans
JP Schools employees have the option to contribute to either a 457(b) or 403(b) retirement plan.
457(b) Retirement Plan – administered by Voya
Former employees that would like to withdraw or rollover their Voya 457(b) retirement funds should submit the necessary paperwork to the JPPSS Human Resources office and the paperwork will be signed and submitted to Voya by the district’s authorized signer. Individuals must no longer be employed with JP Schools to access 457(b) funds.
403(b) Retirement Plan – includes several JP Schools approved providers and is administered by National Plan Administrators.
Changes to 403B plans can be made once a month. However, any changes made between 7/1 and 8/31 will not take effect until the 9/15 check. Changes should be made by completing the NPA Salary Reduction Agreement form and submitting it to NPA. NPA will then forward the submitted forms to the JPPSS Payroll Department.
Individuals must be 59 ½ years old, no longer employed with JPPSS, or permanently disabled to access 403B retirement funds.
Interested in a Louisiana Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan?
If so, please visit or read the attached Louisiana Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Highlights and contact David Arriaza for more information. David is a Key Retirement Plan Counselor. He can be contacted by calling 225-296-6832 or
Important Notice from TRSL
Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL) does not authorize or endorse any outside third-party vendors to represent TRSL or provide TRSL retirement information to you.
The only exceptions are the three Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) vendors — TIAA (formerly TIAA-CREF), VOYA, and VALIC — who provide investment services, communication, and record keeping to individuals who participate in the ORP.
JP Schools may allow some outside vendors on site that offer additional retirement products and services. In these instances, here are some important points from TRSL you should remember: