Many details need to be checked and cross-checked by potential buyers and sellers before an agreement over the sale of a residential property can be reached.
Any withheld information about the property's condition that is included in the sale without the seller's knowledge can result in a lawsuit.
This is why Florida Realtors and the homeowners association encourage all potential buyers and sellers to sign a purchase and sale agreement.
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A Florida real estate purchase agreement is a written notice or statement notifying potential buyers and sellers of important aspects of the sale agreement, such as:
The choice of things to include in your residential purchase and sale agreement is the sole discretion of the two parties involved in the transaction.
However, in most cases a Florida residential purchase agreement usually contains the following:
While there are a lot of important aspects of a Florida residential purchase and sale agreement the Property Tax Disclosure summary is of particular importance because it has the potential to affect the overall cost of the house in a big way if the buyers are not careful.
According to Florida statutes, buyers need to be aware that they must not depend on the figures for the property taxes the seller was paying to estimate how much taxes they will be paying the following year.
The required disclosures for sale and purchase agreements include such information about the real property that will affect the buyer's offer, for example:
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Before making or accepting the initial offer, take a look at the useful forms and templates available at today!