Executive Skills Questionnaire–Revised

The Executive Skills Questionnaire–Revised (ESQ–R) is a self-report instrument designed to assess your executive skill strengths and challenges. Executive function skills enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, juggle multiple tasks successfully, and self-regulate.

Basic information
Original ESQ

Take the test here:

Who the test is designed for

Adults (age 14+) judged to have an IQ in the normal range (IQ >=80).

What it tests

The ESQ–R gives an indication of the nature of your own executive skills, and identifies both areas of strength and areas of weakness. [1] Executive skills in children and adolescents: A practical guide to assessment and intervention (Dawson & Guare, 2018)

Unlike the ESQ, the ESQ–R is a scientifically verified instrument, which integrates the current scientific understanding of core executive function processes with a valid understanding of executive function skills.

Versions & translations

Currently, there is only one test, as research on the ESQ–R is ongoing.

Taking the test

The ESQ–R is a quick 25-item online survey. The results will be tabulated, and the data will be forwarded to the person responsible for overseeing the survey (e.g. teacher, clinician, or researcher).

The ESQ–R gives you four choices for each of the 25 statements, each with a corresponding score value.


Data “norms” for what is typical in any of the five skill areas are as yet, unknown. Generally speaking, scores in the 2–3 range for skill area averages and individual items can be considered a relative weakness. Scores between 0 and 1 describe a relative strength. Items rated as 2 or 3 are worthy of discussion because it means you likely face challenges in this area often or very often.

For more information on how to score your answers, have a look at the scoring sheet (p. 3–4) in the ESQ–R document listed above.


Although there is no large-scale normative data, the ESQ–R has been employed to determine its psychometric properties.