How to keep homeless off your property

A No Trespassing Sign on an Abandoned Building

The lack of affordable housing and homelessness has reached a crisis level in the United States. There are more than half a million homeless people in the US on any given night. States that have the largest urban centers are experiencing the worst problems.

The homeless population of California totals 161,548 people, while in New York it is 91,271. However, this problem is not by any means limited to Los Angeles and New York City. Almost every major city in the country is experiencing an uptick in people who do not have stable housing.

This problem affects all businesses and neighborhoods as it grows. A person without shelter must find somewhere to take care of their needs including a place to sleep. The problems this creates for local businesses can range from loitering to vagrancy to much worse.

A person without resources is likely to use the hospitality of local businesses to find a bathroom to wash in, have a place to charge electronic devices, use a microwave for food, and much more. It is unacceptable to expect employees of your business to handle these problems without training and additional support.

3 Strategies for Handling Homeless Persons Trespassing on Private Property

Everyone can sympathize with the difficulty that not having a home can create. That does not mean that a business can suddenly become a housing shelter. To protect the livelihood of your business and its employees, you must maintain a safe and professional workplace without loitering or vagrancy.

If your business is having problems dealing with your local homeless population, this blog will help by giving you three things that you can do right now to deal with homelessness and trespassing on private property.

Establish Clear Boundaries

It is important to clearly establish boundaries around your property and communicate them to the public. This can be done through the use of signage, barriers, or even physical fencing. By making it clear where your property begins and ends, you can reduce the likelihood of unwanted visitors or trespassers.

Train Your Staff

Ensure that all staff members are trained in dealing with homeless individuals and trespassers in a respectful and safe manner. It is important to have clear policies and procedures in place to guide staff members on how to handle these situations. Encourage them to be observant and report any suspicious activity or behavior to security immediately.

Use Security Guards

Security guards can be an effective deterrent against trespassing and provide a sense of safety for staff and customers. They can also respond quickly to any incidents or suspicious activity, and work with local law enforcement if necessary. They can also help to monitor other security systems such as cameras, motion-activated alarms, door sensors, or even drone surveillance.

If you have concerns about dealing with your local homeless population, work with local law enforcement to develop a plan for dealing with homelessness and trespassing. This can include sharing information on any known individuals or areas of concern, as well as working together on strategies for addressing these issues.

Homeless individuals may be seeking shelter, food, or other necessities. Consider partnering with local organizations or charities to offer support to those in need. This can include providing information on local shelters, food banks, or other services that may be helpful.

Most importantly, be proactive about protecting your business from potential problems. Hire professional security guards that can help deter loitering and other issues as well as handle any escalated situations that may arise.

If you haven’t hired security guards yet, don’t wait! Call Elite Investigations at (866) 901-1855 and get the protection that your business needs.